Saturday, March 14, 2009

We have met the enemy, and he is OURS!!!

Well, we did it. Tonight, Eternity Matters ventured bravely into Naxxramas with a few others from selected other guilds and faced our biggest obstacle to date: Thaddeus. We were all hyped up and ready to go, and faced our fear of wiping, and went for the kill. The first couple of times we got him down to between 4-10% before wiping, and then on the last time, Therigwin had me swap out my tanking gear for my DPS gear, and we went in one more time- And defeated Thaddeus. That was a great adrenaline rush for me, because I was so hoping we would do it, and even on the last attempt, I wasn't sure we'd do it. From Thaddeus, we went on to clear the plague wing, (I survived he entire "Heigen Dance" encounter for the second time), and on to attempt Sapphiron. We made four attempts on him before calling it a night. Considering it was the first time for a lot of people, we didn't do too badly, even getting him down to 13% on one attempt before wiping. One of the biggest problems was lack of frost resist gear for a lot of people, coupled with a short supply of people who could decurse. The latter was the one reason we wiped on our best attempt, as Therigwin had gotten cursed, and wasn't decursed in time, and went down, shortly followed by our primary off-tank, Squeatus. I had tried to pick him up, but since I was in my DPS gear at the time, I didn't have my DEF cap and was an easy third course for the monstrosity. However, despite the inability to defeat Sapphiron tonight, it was a learning experience for everyone, and we all had fun. Tomorrow night, we will attempt it again, and hopefully finish Naxxramas.

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