Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have the plague.

Well, not really, but it sure does feel like it. I felt it slowly coming on over the weekend with constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and the occasional cough, and brushed it off as allergies, as my allergies usually start to go haywire around this time of year. Of course, standing outside in the rain on Saturday night trying to change a broken wiper blade so I could finish driving home probably didn't help. It was slightly worse yesterday while I was at school, and I probably should have stayed home then, but didn't- and I came home, took a cold tablet or two, ate an orange, drank half of a bottle of peach/mango juice, and fell asleep- at 5:30pm. I slept until about 9, made dinner, and decided to play WoW. I didn't even get into the game too much, and even logged after only 2 hours to go back to bed. Now, I feel like death warmed over, called school to tell my teachers that I have the plague and wouldn't be in, and am going back to bed. Curse you, Arthas!

Cool World of Warcraft gear from Jinx.com

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