Sunday, March 15, 2009

Honor among thieves (or raid members)

One of the biggest reasons people participate in the big raids like Naxxramas, etc. is to get better gear for their toons, in order to better survive said raids in the future. To ensure proper fairness among all party members most guilds have established set loot rules. Eternity Matters is no exemption, and the set loot rules are as follows:

1) Main spec roll gets first priority- if it's an upgrade for your main spec. roll need on it or pass.
2) One epic per player unless all others that can roll on said item for main spec have gotten something, then said item is opened up for a secondary main spec roll.
3) If no one needs item after subsequent rolls for main spec, item is opened for off-spec roll (this does not count as your first epic item)
It is permissible to pass on a main spec item if you want to hold out for something better (like a tier piece) that drops later on in the run.

Now the major point of contention comes when someone passes on a main spec item because they want the chance to get that better loot, but then roll on the item as an off-spec (and later winning a roll for a tier piece). I have discussed this with a few other guild members, some who are officers, and it was agreed by all in the discussion that it is an abuse of the loot rules to do such. If a person passes on a main spec item, the item should be closed to them just for that reason. Main spec is main spec, and off-spec is off-spec. If item roll is closed to main specs and opened up for the off-specs to roll on it, then one who would use said item on their main spec should not be permitted to re-roll on the item. When people do this, it reduces the chance of someone who has not gotten any upgrades in the run to get something later on.

Also, should someone be allowed to roll on a main spec (let's for this example use a tanking item) one week, and then come in the next week using his off-spec (we'll use healer for this example) and be allowed to roll on a healer item as his main spec? This has happened at least a couple of times that others and I have observed, and again we feel that this is an abuse of the loot rules. If someone is playing as off-spec, they should not be permitted to roll on their off-spec as a main-spec. Again, as stated above, main spec is main spec, and off-spec is off-spec. There should be no cloudiness in the distinction between the two.

Another thing that was discussed was the PUGs. At the moment, the PUGs are something we cannot avoid as we don't have enough guild members of high enough level to run the raids with us, or the right makeup, or people that can do raids on a regular schedule due to school, job or family commitments. However, each time we run, there are different people in the group, and a lot of these people need their upgrades as well, and we are continuously losing our rolls to said pugs. There are guild members who have been running consistantly, who are still in need of gear upgrades that are not getting them because of this. Is there a way around this? Possible, but it needs to be implemented by those who set the loot rules. Some feel that guild members should get first priority, so that our own members get their needed upgrades, and then if no guild member needs the said upgrade, as main spec, then the roll should be opened to the PUG raid members for their main spec, and then go on from there. After all, the purpose of running the raid is not to gear up other people over our own, is it? Again, this is something that needs to be discussed among the ruling Guild Council.

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