Thursday, March 19, 2009

Farewell, my friend.

Well, tonight was Eternity Matters Third Anniversary party. We ditched the normal raid schedule (will pick up on Naxx again tomorrow night) and gathered in the secret troll village in northern darkshore. We had a few contests, like who can take down the tank in a duel the quickest (Therigwin stood still while various guildies took their potshots at him in duels- Damelza won that contest, taking him down in 12 seconds). There was also some WoW trivia as well as some EM trivia. Then after all the fun and games was over, my dear friend, Jon (aka Bozwick), announced that tonight was his last night playing WoW for quite a while. He and Callie (Lehlani) have accepted the call to the missions field and will be departing shortly after their wedding for the mission field in Asia to bring God's message to those there. For now they are dedicating their time to study the language and prepare for the trip. God knows I'll miss Jon, especially after he provided so much support and prayer during the hard time I went through last year. I owe a lot to him, and will miss his encouraging words in the game. Heck, I felt the void shortly after he logged off and just logged off the game myself to reflect on it. But Jon, you and Callie will have my prayers as well as those of the rest of the guild. May God keep you safe, and bring you back after three years so we can help you level up to 100 with the rest of us. Love ya Bro.

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