Thursday, March 19, 2009

Three Years!!!

Well, it's been three years for Eternity Matters and the guild continues to grow both in size, and spiritually. I'm sure this post is going to be reflected in some form or another over at Tank for the Light, Daughter of Ravenholdt Manor, The Tank Hunter, and Emerald Paradise in some form or another today, but I'm going to reflect on my experiences and growth since I joined EM in August of 2006.

I started playing WoW shortly after Christmas of 2005 (after much persuasion from my dear friend Shaloria). I hopped around from server to server before settling back on the one I started out on, Eldre'Thalas. I tried forming my own guild with with my then main character,Rhowynne, my friend Arystina (who was playing on another character at the time- dunno if Trillee still exists), and a few other people. That guild folded in a matter of weeks, because people only joined to get a tabard. I then joined a guild called The Unconquered and remained in that guild until August, when someone was restructuring to get rid of 'inactive' players, and removed Rhowynne and my other characters from the guild (note: I had only been gone a week to visit friends in Ann Arbor, MI). So, I returned home to find myself guildless, and set about looking for another guild. I didn't have to look long, because about ten minutes into the game, I saw someone named ,Eleste, plugging a 'fledgeling' guild that promoted Christianity and family values in the Guild Recruitment channel. I immediately sent him a message, and he had one of the other officers send me an invitation to join. I was amazed at the welcome I received, and immediately convinced ,Arystina to join on his characters. I immediately felt a sense of belonging, and made instant friends with a few (Lehlani, her sister Hesta, Firager- who I spent countless late nights running around the game with, Bryanbg-Firager's younger brother, and the "Guild Mom" Daraia. I eventually got to know many more people, including some that regretfully left the guild or quit playing over time. After much convincing, I eventually got Shaloria to switch guilds and join as well.

The last 2.5 years with EM have been a real learning and growing experience for me. There have been some rocky periods where I left the guild in a huff, or been removed due to incidents that I let get out of control, but through it all, my guild family was there for me to help me through the rough times. I love them all, and wouldn't trade them for the world (God knows how much I missed them when I wasn't with them.) EM IS my extended family.

Also, through the guild, I was able to meet Schaikera and Enok, and along with Shaloria we've formed the "Fearsome Foursome" (pictured below) who you really don't want to be around when we're all together in person- "WE'Z QUAZEE!!!"

But yea, EM Has grown a lot over the last three years, from the small casual guild it was at its conception to the regular raiding guild it is today. Here's to another Three Years, and many more to come.

The "Fearsome Foursome" at the fountain in Dalaran: (l-r) Llaihr, Schaikera, Shaloria (in kitty form), and Enok

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