Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Censorship: How much is too much?

Censorship is a hot issue when it's brought up, and there are many differing viewpoints on when censorship is justified, and when it is not. I personally only support it if it's slanderous or potentially destructive of a specific person, or group of people, and am completely against people censoring others just because their viewpoint on a certain matter is completely opposite from their own megalomaniacal viewpoints. Also, I can somewhat see the justification in censoring people on a site, in a publication, etc which one owns, runs and maintains. However, telling someone to remove something like a blog post on their own blog, website, etc. just because, for example, "he said mean things about me" is pushing it too far. Again, megalomaniacal behavior. If the material in question was just personal thoughts and feelings one has regarding a certain individual or group of individuals, then the person has every right to say and post what he feels. If it goes beyond that, to where he is publicly plotting to do serious harm to another or his property, then it's a different story. I believe I've said my piece here, and will not remove this post or any of my posts at the request of anyone else.

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